Does the idea of of a hideaway Home appeal?

As did many things, Himself & I started looking at lots of programmes about hideaway homes during the pandemic. Not all were of the remote treehouse or rustic cabin in the woods variety, it’s also been our pleasure to browse video tours of gorgeous Italian properties – especially those in the hills of Tuscany.

It’s been really enjoyable living vicariously via all those people who have chosen to renovate Martello towers on the UK coast, to transform a disused Victorian water tower, to create a tiny home out of old railway carriages, and to save listed buildings across the country. It’s been fascinating observing from afar the process of planning and building new homes, especially those with a twist. Whether it was the property built entirely underground into the side of a hill, a barn in rural Portugal, or that actual treehouse – the ideas for creating a home, whether by throwing lots of money at it, or creating something out of very little, have been positively riveting. What has been surprising – and somewhat disturbing – is the variances in conservation practices and laws across the country, where there’ve been quite distressing examples of not permitting the practical and the beautiful, but allowing visual horrors in their stead.

Like many in our age group, we idly toy with the range of potential retirement lifestyles… even if the reality ends up being very different 😉 Not long ago, I had the option to live anywhere I chose – unencumbered by family responsibility or work requirements – and I found the prospect overwhelming. Without something practical as a starting point, and having the entire country (even the world to a certain extent) as my oyster, was a tad mind-boggling. In the end, we hitched our wagon to a part of the country where Himself had been offered a job he thought he’d like – and so here we are. But what about when we no longer have that requirement? The further away from people and city life, the happier Himself is, whereas I’m quite partial to urban amenities. Our present location is a compromise between the two – almost rural enough for him and almost cultured enough for me. It seems likely that we’ll end up opting for a similar compromise.

What & where remain the questions. Whether it’s somewhere on a Tuscan hill with the joys of ADSL (remember those days) or a windswept cliff-top house with all the mod-cons plumbed in, it’s going to be an interesting journey finding out. Although we could still end up someone uber-ordinary and traditional after going round & round in circles! 😀

If you had an option to live absolutely anywhere – what might appeal to you? Putting aside the practical and the pragmatic for now, would it be amazing vistas, historical architecture, fabulous weather, beautiful landscape, being one with nature, or something else which draws you?

© Debra Carey, 2022

13 thoughts on “Does the idea of of a hideaway Home appeal?

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  1. I’d be on a hillside or lakeside in New Hampshire, with lake and mountain views. In a place so quiet you could hear the leaves fall. I’d kayak around the lake (power boats are banned, of course).

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I know more of where I’d not like to live than where I’d like to live. No big cities, no swanky coastal resort towns, no farmlands. Maybe I’m happy where I am in a suburb of a large midwestern city?

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  3. I moved to my Hideaway Home during this pandemic (not because of it, but because I retired and could finally live wherever I wanted to, now). Vancouver Island has everything I need – great weather, fabulous scenery and nature (ocean! mountains! lakes! rivers! wildlife!), and a pretty laid back vibe.


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  4. In another time I might have considered lots of places. There was a time when I was enchanted with the idea of a travel trailer on a secluded beach in Baja. But we are lucky to love where we live, and here we will stay. It’s always fun to think about though!

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  5. Autumn, that sounds absolutely perfect. I’ve long been an urbanite, but I’m becoming more a fan of rural beauty and peace. I’d not join you in kayaking (that would be Himself), but I’d sit on the deck with my feet dangling in the water (and swim in the warmer months).

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  6. Ha ha LA! Not so much hidden then 😀 Know thyself I say, and you clearly do. I love London and loved living there. I’d happily do so again, although I might chose some of the more outlying areas now as there’s less congestion and more community. Paris though, I’d been inclined towards somewhere more central – like the 4th arondissment where we stayed on my last visit.

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  7. Ally, I suspect you could make a happy home for yourself wherever you ended up, but it surely does help to know what you really don’t want. Being in the suburb of a large midwestern city certainly gives you plenty of inspiration for your observation of people and amusing reporting to your keen followers. That works out well for us so, if it does for you too, we’re all happy 🙂

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  8. A beach in Baja eh Jane 😉 I approve. But I know what you mean about being content with where you’ve ended up. I suspect something similar may happen with Himself and I.

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  9. There are some lovely areas right in the centre which I’d happily choose to live in. Sadly the prices make them well out of the reach of ordinary mortals. My daughter shared a flat in Marylebone when she at University, which was fabulous. My boyfriend of the time looked down one of the mews courtyards and said grandly (and drunkenly) “I’d happily live there!” He nearly choked when I told him the prices… But yeah, if I was to win the lottery 😀

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