Meet Stan…

I'm a little late to the blogging schedule this week as I've been training caring for my neighbour's cat. A family member had a medical emergency which necessitated a mercy dash across the country, and as the other neighbour for whom she cat sits was nowhere to be seen, she pressed her keys into my... Continue Reading →

Strange stuff I know

There's all manner of realisations that come with reaching the stage in life when you use the word "old" to describe yourself - and one which has amused me, is looking back on all the bits and pieces of strange stuff which have become lodged in my brain. Of course, I'm not talking about things... Continue Reading →

Small pleasures and joys

This week I'm doing an A-Z list of small pleasures and joys. I've tried not to repeat things I've spoken of before... but I can't promise, as sometimes those difficult letters can be well - erm - difficult 😉 A for anchovy paste. Let me be clear, I do not like anchovies... yet I do... Continue Reading →

A song…

Lots still going on, so I thought I'd do a music post as it's been a while. I picked a random selection of prompts from PInterest, and reading back, most of my choices have turned out to be tracks from favourite albums. from a favourite album: Ngiculela from Stevie Wonder's perfect double album Songs in... Continue Reading →

A week skipped…

I've been doing a lot of writing recently, and while I enjoy writing tremendously, it came as a surprise to discover I have a limit on how much I can do. While I've never questioned the obvious limitations of time and the need to meet other commitments, I hadn't considered the brain strain that can... Continue Reading →

Things at which I am rubbish…

Inspired by the lovely Kari... Managing my time. I didn't really pursue much in the way of personal interests (even reading) until the stars all aligned once I was in my fifties - 'cos as a full-time working single mother, who has any spare time? That's when I had the "is this it?" moment, and... Continue Reading →

Did I remember that right…?

Monday was cataract removal day for my second eye. The first one was a mere two months ago, and I was supremely confident the memories of that experience were clear in my mind. And some of them were... But - as you'll likely gather from the ellipses above - not all of them. The boring... Continue Reading →

Ever the cool, unflappable professional….

That was my reputation when I worked for a small film financing company in London. While we mostly dealt with fund managers, lawyers and accountants, there were also a few directors and actors crossing our path. When I worked there as a temp, there were many comments about my sangfroid when dealing with the likes... Continue Reading →

Everybody loves good neighbours…

Is the refrain of the Australian soap opera which my daughter watched when she was young, and it's something I've always tried to be. My marvellously madcap neighbour has lived in this apartment complex virtually from the day it was built, and talks to absolutely everyone. She was a positive ray of sunshine when we... Continue Reading →

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