Secret Nuclear Bunker

I know, I know, the whole point of something being secret is that you don’t know about it. It’s one of the things that always makes me laugh about our annual visits to a re-enacting event held at the Hack Green Secret Nuclear Bunker in Cheshire – especially when I first catch sight of the signposts …


But sniggering aside, what actually happens there? Well, our reason for attending aside (to catch up with friends), the owners have put together a visit experience at the location which in it’s past has been both a radar station and a centre of Regional Government had nuclear war broken out. Purchased in the 1990s by an individual with a passionate interest in the subject, he’s built up a remarkable collection, enabling the bunker to be opened as a museum.

We visit on the weekend when they host a number of re-enactors portraying forces on both sides of the Iron Curtain, although as my pictures depict, the people we know largely portray the forces of Eastern Europe.

But it’s not just about dressing up and collecting, most re-enactors are history buffs and spend considerable time & effort researching their specialist area(s), as you’ll discover from their contributions to the Cold War Conversations podcast. Ian Sanders from Cold War Conversations was visiting the same weekend and talked to a number of re-enactors about their passion. Do give it a listen.

Hope you all had a great weekend too!

Ā© Debra Carey, 2018

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